Capoeira was born at the time of slavery in Brazil and has its roots in the fights and dances of the African peoples. A defensive struggle, but also used in rebellion against slave society, it has long been associated with those who lived on the margins of society, but fought to assert their identity, rights and cultural values. For this reason, capoeira has a great vocation to include and unite. Capoeira and Afro-Brazilian dances bring the participants together in a circle, in a 'roda'.
The 'Roda' project includes capoeira and Afro-Brazilian dance classes (Maculele, Jongo, Puxada de Rede, Samba de Roda) in the municipalities of Esch-Alzette and Differdange for everyone. The project participants will use their acquired knowledge to create a cultural theatre.
Text provided by the project partner
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