Professional artists and intermittents

A particular characteristic of the theatre and dance scene in Luxembourg is the absence of permanent in-house companies. Performing arts professionals work under the status of “travailleur intellectuel indépendant”, which means they usually do not have fixed long-term contracts. Typically, an artist, director or set designer signs a contract for the length of a production only. 

While on the one hand this gives professionals a great amount of freedom, it also puts them in the precarious position of continuously having to move from one temporary project to another, often experiencing involuntary phases of inactivity between two projects. To help professionals in the performing arts who might be struggling, the state has introduced various forms of support, which are regulated by the “Loi du 16 décembre 2022 portant modification de la loi modifiée du 19 décembre 2014 relative 1) aux mesures sociales au bénéfice des artistes professionnels indépendants et des intermittents du spectacle 2) à la promotion de la création artistique”.

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Intermittent du spectacle

An “intermittent de spectacle” is a person who works intermittently within the performing arts sector, i.e. alternating periods of employment with periods of inactivity, given the project-based, time-limited nature of most work in this sector, as for example in the case of a theatre production.

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To help professionals experiencing serious financial strain if they find themselves unable to generate a regular income to cover their basic needs, the state has set up a scheme of social measures that enables artists and technicians to bridge difficult periods and, most importantly, continue to work in the artistic profession.

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Travailleur intellectuel indépendant

All performing arts professionals – artists and technicians – are “independent intellectual workers”, with the exceptions of in-house technicians employed on a permanent basis.  

Self-employed persons are required to affiliate with the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre commun de la sécurité sociale – CCSS), which handles the data, registration of affiliations and collection of contributions for the different insurance funds. The CCSS acts as the point of contact for insured persons.

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Artiste indépendant

The status of „artiste indépendant“ is a professional status granted by the state to artists whose professional work focuses on the creation of cultural goods or artistic performances. The status of “artiste indépendant” is granted for a period of 24 months. It can be renewed an indefinite amount of times.

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To help professionals experiencing serious financial strain if they find themselves unable to generate a regular income to cover their basic needs, the state has set up a scheme of social measures that enables artists and technicians to bridge difficult periods and, most importantly, continue to work in the artistic profession.

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ASPRO (Fr. Association luxembourgeoise des Professionnels du Spectacle Vivant) is the Luxembourgish association of performing arts professionals. It is a member of the THEATER FEDERATIOUN that brings together independent artists and technicians working in the performing arts sector to defend their common interests before political decision-makers, producers and the media. The association has drawn up a Glossary of Performing Arts Professions in Luxembourg, “Recommandations tarifaires générales pour les professionnel.le.s du spectacle vivant” (General rate recommendations for performing arts professionals), a “Charte autour du contrat des professionnel.le.s du spectacle vivant” (Guidelines of the contracts for performing arts professionals) and provides information about the required administrative procedures for its members.

Please do not hesitate to contact the association.