What is intelligence, really? Good grades at school? A high score on IQ tests?
Suis-je bête ?! raises this essential question by combining philosophy, theater, and contemporary circus. From the invention of IQ tests to modern artificial intelligence, this performance examines the social uses and often discriminatory implications tied to this complex concept.
Guillaume Clayssen, former philosophy professor and director, along with Louise Hardouin, dancer and acrobat trained at the Académie Fratellini, guides us through a reflection on the duality of intelligence and stupidity. Through acrobatics, sound documentary, and philosophy, the piece shows that intelligence cannot be confined to a single definition.
Further information: Suis-je bête? ! nterrogates, through philosophy, theater and contemporary circus, the notion of “intelligence”, from the advent of I.Q. tests to artificial intelligence.
Concept and direction: Guillaume Clayssen
Artistic collaboration, outside view: Claire Marx
With Guillaume Clayssen and Louise Hardouin
Main organiser(s): neimënster
Language: FR
Running time: 75'
Numéro de téléphone : +3522620521
Site web : https://www.neimenster.lu
Ticket tarif normale 9
Ticket tarif réduit 6
Ticket Kulturpass 1.5